Blog>Small Businesses and Social Media: Why They Have an Advantage

Small Businesses and Social Media: Why They Have an Advantage

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If you run or work within a small business and want to reach as many customers as possible for free, then you must optimise your social media strategy. This doesn’t mean using every channel possible and posting any random content.

It’s all about the relationships you develop, as a small business your advantage is the ability to handle the influx of engagement from customers more effectively than large companies.

I’m sure that you agree if a brand doesn’t reply, you lose some respect for them.

You’re a paying customer, therefore, why shouldn’t they reply to you? Negative or positive a brand should care about what each customer thinks.

Why social media engagement matters

Consequently, social media effectiveness boils down to engagement, and this is why small businesses have the upper hand. If a brand fails to engage with their audience nine times out of ten their social media marketing will be ineffective. Gone are the days where big brands dominated the market with their expensive advertisements, on Instagram alone, there’re 500 million daily active users, which small businesses can target by simply optimising their platforms.

The point here is, if you have a small business and don’t want to be spending thousands on advertisements while being in constant communication to your customers, then social media is the tool for you.

As a small business, you must stick to your niche; this is what defines you and what people associate with your brand. To stand out from a heavily dominated industry, you must consider the consumer and what differentiates you.

Yes, many large retailers may do this, but their service/offerings aren’t personalised, they follow a set list of guidelines and procedures which often gives the feel of a factory process.

Let’s have a look at an example

In a recent study, 67% of people shopped at small retailers because the service was ‘friendly’ and they felt more appreciated compared to their experience at larger companies. Small businesses must take advantage of this and utilise their social media to engage with all potential and existing customers. From answering all questions personally, promoting the uniqueness of the brand to tailoring orders, it’s the little things that are so vital for success.

For example, gift wrapping items for customers and in return they post a photo on social media of the packaging which has the brand logo sticker on then… VOILÀ!

You have customers promoting and engaging with your brand on various channels. If I still haven’t convinced you that social media is a small businesses dream, then maybe the 90% of marketers who say social media is integral to their business growth will. 82% of survey participants worked in businesses with less than 100 employees.

So, if you want to stay one step ahead of your competition, understand and gain respect from your customers; then take advantage of the free advertising tools at your fingertips!

Remember – don’t be forgotten about, post relevant content regularly and engage with your audience. Need help with engagement? Check out our social media community services and get in touch with us today.